Want to do wildlife photography but scared of being close to animals? It is extremely dangerous to go out in the perils of the wild, but you don’t want to miss the chance to capture the wildlife in your camera. How To Make A Ghillie Suit?
So, what should you do? Well, there is a way!
You can camouflage yourself, blend in the background and fool not only animals but also humans.
Wondering How To Do that?
Get a military or hunting ghillie suit from any military store. These suits take blending into the next level by hiding the recognizable human shape. Even the best set of eyes cannot detect something moving! Plus, it is far better than the famous camouflage suits!
So buy a ghillie suit and conceal yourself in the natural terrain.

The Price tag!
Don’t have enough cash to purchase one?
These suits are very difficult to find, and even difficult when you don’t have a hundred bucks to buy them.
Don’t worry! In this guide, you will understand how to make a strong ghillie suit at your home by spending less than $75.
So think of it as a DIY project and add a ghillie suit to your hunting gear. All you have to do is grab a turkey west and some materials!
So let’s get weaving, shall we?
Origin Of The Name
Before jumping to the main topic, let’s first understand why is a ghillie suit called a ghillie suit?
A sniping or hunting ghillie suit is a camouflaged outfit, which does not get detected from the naked eye.
The word ghillie means boy or a lad in a Scots Gaelic term, and it was referred to servants who went for fishing and hunting expeditions with their owners.
The term is used to refer to fly fishing, deer stalking, or deer hunting in English.

The first ghillie suit was made by Scottish gamekeepers. Later, it was used by a Scottish Highland regiment during the Second Boer War.
If we go back to old times, then the etymology is said to be derived from Ghillie Dhu, who disguised itself in various forms of vegetation.
Fascinating, Right?
Some people call it a camo tent or yowie suit (similar to Bigfoot and Yeti) too.
They are a great alternative to hide in the bush until someone mows the lawn. If the ghillie suit is built correctly, it will move along with the wind just like any other surrounding foliage.
What Is A Ghillie Suit Made Of?
Usually, cloth or a net is covered by strips of twine, cloth, or burlap (hessian) to make it look like twigs and leaves. Such ghillie suits are made for military use.
Want to know what ghillie suit does the military use?
Mostly, military ghillie suit or Ultralight BDU Ghillie Suits is created of heavy-duty BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) jackets and pants. Then, the ultralight ghillie threads are tied for better camouflage.
Want to get your own ghillie suit, but don’t have enough money?
Well, we are here to help you out. You can make your own!
Below you will find out how it\’s done:
How to make a ghillie suit?
Are you looking for ways to make a homemade gilly suit?
Then we have got one of the best ways to create one in five easy steps.
If you don’t have money but have extra time, then create a custom-made, personalized suit for yourself. Here, we have explained how to make a ghillie suit, so are you ready?
Let’s do this together, fellas!
1. Research Your Terrain:

Before making a gilly suit you will have to do your homework.
So firstly, you will have to ask one question to yourself “Where will I be using my ghillie suit?”
Then, go to the field and do some research.
Don’t forget to take notes, click pictures for matching up the exact colors and also note the shapes of the plant. Remember to note down the time of the day you are planning to wear your ghillie suit.
Pay special attention to time (dusk, noon, and dawn) and natural light because it will be useful later. From textures to shapes, jot down everything observable in your book.
Trust us, the time you spend in the field will not be wasted.
In the end, you will have an excellent ghillie suit in your hands.
- Time to Collect the Supplies
Whether it is snow, sand, or any other vegetation, choose the material according to the foliage. The making of the ghillie suit begins with a one or two-piece base layer that matches the terrain. You can use any normal clothing to build a camo suit. Plus, you will need dye, jute, netting, and a head covering.
Here, you will need to be patient.
Then, get fabric patches or spray paint to match the field.
If you have some money, then invest it in buying Battle Dress Uniforms or Military Flight Suits.If not, then an old jacket will work too!
Your crafting work begins right from here!
Grab a sample of local foliage, glue, sewing materials, threads, burlap material, the netting, base suit. Let’s make an awesome ghillie suit!
2. The 5-Step Ghillie Suit

Step 1
Grab some replacement fishing net and cut it into long thin strips, and it should be two squares wide. Get your hands on a needle and thread (fishing lines, invisible threads, or dental floss) and stitch some mesh netting knots onto the fabric.
- put the strips and the sleeves on the front of the base suit. Don’t forget to leave a margin of six inches between the strips.
- To hold down the stitches in one spot, apply extra-strong glue.
- If you wish, then you can glue the mesh directly to the base suit.
- Make sure the mesh netting and the base suit are of the same sizes.
- Once tailored, use glue on the netting while leaving a few inches.
- Let the glue dry to the suit properly for few hours.
- Grab a pair of scissors and roughly cut the mesh into the shape of your base suit.
Make sure the mesh does not extend out more than few inches of your jacket.
Now, let us move to the next step!
Step 2
Prepare the Burlap:
A traditional ghillie suit has burlap strips hanging all over it. Want to make one?
Some coffee bags, a burlap bag, braided jute twine, or a roll of netting will be perfect too! You will also have to get for each suit. If the colors don’t match, then you can dye according to the terrain’s color.
Also, keep a close eye on the greens, the browns, and the greys in the field and try to match it with your suit. While dying, make sure to follow the instructions on the dye packets.
Once the dying process is done, let the jute material dry for a day or two. If you want to add some earthy tones and effect, then apply spray paint to break the silhouette.
Step 3
Separate The Braids:
Now, unravel the burlap material or jute, and once done, add the longest strands in the front of your suit and sleeves. On the other hand, the shorter will go on the back in an overlapping pattern.
Step 4
Tying The Burlap:
Now that you have got your burlap strands and netting, the next step will bring you a bit closer to the end.
- Tie the burlap fibers into knots on the mesh netting.
- Collect a handful of jute and clump them together, then tie it to the netting.
Make sure to fasten them via an overhand knot before they fall off.
- Also, add three or four similar environment colors in the strand and ensure no one color dominates the suit.
- Speed each strand and if you notice a bald spot, then fill them in.
You are almost done, pal! Grab the suit, shake it, and put it on the floor!
- Add the clumps, and once everything looks even, move to the next step.
Step 5
The Ghillie Hood (Optional):
Get a spare hat and stick a piece of oval netting onto it.
The fifth step is similar to step 4. So knot clumps of jute and burlap onto the hat.
Want to add a natural effect?
Then, weave in bits of organic materials like hay, scraps, branches, twigs, shrubbery, and grass into the mesh netting of the cap.
Though artificial vegetation lasts longer than natural vegetation, using this organic stuff is a great idea to hide yourself perfectly.
And to get into the spirit of things, one can apply some mud, natural dirt, ground debris to conceal in the wild while crawling.
Our Final Thoughts
Now, your very own ghillie suit is ready! So step out into the wild and enjoy your photography, stalk, or hunting and hide when you are in danger. If you make the suit in the right way, then it will blend in with the terrain.
Plus, you will be able to carry out your specific mission without your cover being blown. Now is your chance to experience the wild like never before.
Have fun in the wild!
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